Wednesday, February 22, 2006


1. The name of the society shall be: Canadian Association for Anatomy, Neurobiology, and Cell Biology/Association Canadienne d'Anatomie, de Neurobiologie, et de Biologie Cellulaire, hereafter referred to as the Association.

2. The purpose of the Association shall be to advance the knowledge of anatomy and to represent anatomical sciences in Canada.

3. The Association shall consist of members as defined under the rules.

4. The affairs of the Association shall be administered by a council of nine members (charter or elected). The Council shall be composed as follows:

  • President - elected for two years
  • Vice-President - elected for two years
  • Secretary - elected for two years with possible two year renewal
  • Treasurer - elected for three years
  • Chair of Awards Committee - appointed by Council for three years
  • Chair of Science Policy Committee - appointed by Council for three years
  • Members-at-Large - three in number elected for three years, one to be elected each year

5. A quorum of Council shall consist of five members.

6. Standing Committees:

  1. Nominating Committee to propose new and a slate of officers to be presented to the annual meeting for election. The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members, to include the President (as chair), the Past-President, and two non-members of Council, to be selected by the chair.

  2. Awards Committee to select from nominees the winner for each of the annual awards of the Association. The Awards Committee shall consist of a chair appointed for a three-year term by Council and four elected members serving for a two-year term. Two elected members shall be elected each year.

  3. Science Policy Committee to establish priorities for science policy as it pertains to the Association and the larger scientific community through the Science Policy Committee of CFBS. The Science Policy Committee shall consist of the Chair and five members, to include the President, Vice-President, Secretary and two non-members of Council, who are to be elected. The elected members shall serve for two years, one being elected each year. The chair of the Science Policy Committee shall be appointed by Council.

7. Meetings of the Association shall consist of an annual meeting and such other meetings may be deemed by the Council to be advisable from time to time.



  1. The Association may have honorary members, emeritus members, charter members, elected members, associate and student members.

  2. Honorary members: distinguished scientists may be elected to honorary membership, without voting privileges.

  3. Emeritus members: a member who retired from a full-time appointment, may be elected to emeritus membership, retention of all privileges.

  4. Charter members: anatomists holding full time appointments, active or emeritus, of the rank of lecturer or higher in any of the Medical Schools of Canada at the date of the founding of the Association (October 17, 1956) were invited to become charter members.

  5. Elected members: any other person who has contributed to the development of the science of anatomy may be nominated for elected membership. A candidate for elected membership shall be proposed by two members (charter or elected), one of whom shall have personal knowledge of the candidate. Nomination papers (of the approved form) for each candidate for elected membership shall be submitted to Council, and on its recommendation the name of the candidate shall be submitted for election at the next annual meeting of the Association; election to be by the majority of votes cast.

  6. Associate members: any other person who has given evidence of interest in the science of anatomy may be accepted (by the secretary) as an associate member, without voting privileges.

  7. Student members: a full or part-time student enrolled in a graduate program in the science of anatomy may be accepted (by the secretary) as a student member, without voting privileges.


The fiscal year of the Association shall begin July first and end on June thirtieth of the following year.


The annual dues of the Association for the ensuing year shall be determined at each annual meeting. In addition, charter, elected, associate and student members shall pay the Federation levy. The Federation levy is determined annually by the Federation Board; it entitles the member to receive Federation literature and privileges. Honorary and emeritus members shall pay no subscription to the Association.

The annual subscription of new members is due on the first day of January following the date of their election. All subscriptions shall be invoiced by the Treasurer of the Association.

No member shall be considered to have resigned until the member has signified an intention to do so in writing to the Secretary.

A member in arrears for dues for two years shall be dropped from membership. Membership may be reinstated, on payment of arrears, at the discretion of the Council.


  1. An annual meeting shall be held each year at a date and place to be determined by the Council.

  2. Other meetings may be called by the Council on the written request of any ten members or at other times as the Council deems advisable.


  1. The ordinary laws of the Canadian parliamentary procedure shall be employed in the conduct of the meetings.

    • For ordinary motion, except ones concerning constitutional changes, simple majority of those present at the meeting shall be decisive.

    • Motions to amend the Constitution shall not be voted on in the year in which they are proposed, unless notice of motion has been circulated in writing to all voting members, not less than one month before the annual meeting.

    • For election of officers, voting shall be by written ballot; election to be by simple majority.

    • A mail ballot may be called by Council; decision to be by simple majority of the ballots returned.

  2. The accounts of the Association shall be audited prior to the Annual meeting by auditors appointed at the previous annual meeting.

  3. Any member wishing to make a suggestion to the Council regarding a change in the Constitution of the Rules or on any
    other pertinent matter shall do so by letter addressed to the Secretary.


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